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Contaminated Water and Sewage Backups Services

At ServiceMaster by Moline - Fargo, we understand that dealing with contaminated water and sewage backups can be a stressful experience. Disruptions like these pose health risks, damage your property, and disrupt your peace of mind. That is why we offer comprehensive remediation services to help you restore normalcy as quickly as possible.

What is a Sewage Backup?

A sewage backup occurs when wastewater or sewage flows backward into a home or business, often making its way through sinks, toilets, or floor drains. This unpleasant and potentially hazardous situation typically arises due to blockages in the sewer line or clogged drains, disrupting the normal flow of sewage away from the property.

Common Causes of Sewer Backups:

  • Soil Settlement: Over time, the ground surrounding sewer lines can shift and settle. This movement can cause pipes to crack, bend, or even collapse, creating blockages that prevent sewage from flowing properly.
  • Misaligned Joints: Sewer pipes are typically joined together in sections. If these joints become misaligned due to ground movement, poor installation, or age, they can create gaps or offsets where waste can accumulate, eventually leading to a blockage.
  • Root Infiltration: Tree roots naturally seek out moisture and can grow into sewer lines through tiny cracks or joints. Once inside, roots can expand, causing significant blockages and even breaking the pipes as they grow.
  • Pipe Collapses: Older sewer systems, especially those made from materials like clay or cast iron, can deteriorate and collapse over time. This collapse can completely block the flow of sewage, resulting in a backup.
  • Grease Buildup: Grease and fat, often poured down kitchen drains, can cool and solidify inside pipes. Over time, these solidified deposits accumulate, narrowing the pipe's interior and restricting the flow of sewage, eventually causing a blockage.
  • Improper Items Flushed Down Drains: Many common household items, such as wet wipes, diapers, sanitary products, and paper towels, do not break down easily in water. Flushing these items can lead to significant blockages in both household plumbing and municipal sewer systems.

Sewage backups have the potential to inflict significant property damage and present grave health risks. Contaminated with harmful bacteria, viruses, and pathogens, sewage exposure can lead to severe illnesses in those affected. The presence of raw sewage not only compromises hygiene but also heightens the likelihood of disease transmission within homes or businesses.

Addressing sewage backups promptly and effectively is crucial to minimizing damage and protecting the health of everyone involved. Professional restoration services are equipped with the necessary tools and expertise to safely remove sewage, disinfect affected areas, and restore the property to a safe and habitable condition.

Don't let a sewage backup disrupt your life and endanger your health. Contact us by calling (701) 203-9220 or reaching out online immediately for professional, comprehensive restoration services.

Sewage Backup Solutions

Sewage backups can cause serious damage to your home or business. Our team of professionals has the necessary training and experience to safely handle any size sewage backup. We follow all safety regulations while thoroughly cleaning up the mess, ensuring that any hazardous waste is properly disposed of.

Flooded Basement and Contaminated Water Cleanup

A flooded basement or contaminated water incident can occur without warning, causing significant damage if not addressed immediately. At ServiceMaster by Moline - Fargo, our experts are ready 24/7 to respond swiftly to mitigate further damages from contaminated water.

Our Process

  • Evaluation:We assess the situation thoroughly, determining the extent of contamination and planning an effective response.
  • Cleanup:We use advanced equipment for efficient extraction, drying out your space completely.
  • Sanitization:We follow stringent procedures for decontamination; disinfecting affected areas to eliminate potential health threats.
  • Drying & Dehumidification: To prevent mold growth after cleanup, we ensure complete drying using professional dehumidifiers.
  • Routine Follow-ups: In order to guarantee customer satisfaction post-service delivery; we implement routine check-ups on completed projects.

You don't have to deal with contaminated water and sewage backups on your own. Trust the experts at ServiceMaster by Moline - Fargo to handle these situations professionally. We're here to help you restore your home or business back to its pre-loss condition quickly and efficiently.

Contact us today at (701) 203-9220 or through our online form for immediate assistance.

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